I have a kr 8 Kuka robot. When I am trying to jog my external axis, it rotates according to the jogging speed, however when I try to run the program to get it to specific rotation using Asyptp {E1, -180} the speed is quiet slow. I tried changing the run speed but there wasn't any effect, I tried setting the variable $Vel_Extax[1] to 100, but still no change. I set the acceleration variable to 100 as well( sorry forgot the exact variable name it was something like $Acc_Extax[1]) but still no change. Is there something I am doing wrong?
External axis rotating slowly in a program
May 28, 2024 at 12:41 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
Can you post de code where the movement is made so we can check if there's any parameter that influences in the speed?
I have a kr 8 Kuka robot. When I am trying to jog my external axis, it rotates according to the jogging speed, however when I try to run the program to get it to specific rotation using Asyptp {E1, -180} the speed is quiet slow. I tried changing the run speed but there wasn't any effect, I tried setting the variable $Vel_Extax[1] to 100, but still no change. I set the acceleration variable to 100 as well( sorry forgot the exact variable name it was something like $Acc_Extax[1]) but still no change. Is there something I am doing wrong?
Also tell us what KSS version the controller has and what controller is this.
The controller is kr c5 and the code only has those 2 lines, $Vel_Extax[1]=100 and Asyptp{E1, 180}. I changed and even removed the variable from the code to see if there is any change but it seemed useless
if you want good results, you need to initialize motion parameters. always... and all of them... (velocity, acceleration, override,...)
otherwise, motion instruction will just use last set value. in other words, removing line like you did will have no effect - as you have noticed.
so get manual for external axes (KSS_8x_configuration_of_kinematic_systems_en.pdf)
then search for $ (system variables start with $)...
Alright thanks for the information, I will refer the manuals