How to backup CS9 Staubli controller via USB?
backup CS9 Staubli
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i am interested in that as well. I have only mange to backup some files manual by exporting them to USB in top left corner when you select a file there will be two floppy disk icons select the one with space bar under it, next select location it should be called USB something and hit OK.
Hi there,
As far as I know, the only way to make a full CS9 backup (System and user data) is using the transfert manager utility program belonging to Stäubli Robotics suite software.
A PC with an Ethernet connection to the controller is required.
On USB , you can export single VAL3 applications or event logger.
Hello again,
i just got my hands on some manuals, so to do backup via USB you will have to:
Controller backup directly from the controller:
This procedure requires to boot the controller on a USB key.
USB key creation
1) Connect a USB key of minimum 4 Gb to your PC.
The USB key will be totally erased.
2) Start USBIT tool (this tool is available from the Stäubli technical database).
3) Select the USB key and press Restore.
4) Select file type img.gz and then the cs9-CFAST-tools.img.gz file.
5) Start restore (this takes a while ...).
USB key usage
1) Connect the USB key on the CS9 (J210 or J209).
2) Start the CS9, it boots on the USB key and Ethernet is configured with:
1) J204, DHCP.
IpAddress (displayed on MMI).
2) J205: static address:
IpAddress=; mask=
3) The following commands are available: Total initialization of the CFAST.
After this command, a SRC version must be installed again and the USR
and LOG partition are empty. Initialization of system partition of the CFAST. After this command,
a SRC version must be installed again; USR and LOG partition are not affected. Copy and backup USR partition on USB stick (1) . Restore USR partition on the controller (1) .
(1) USR partition backup / restore
■ The command creates a file named USRbackup.tar in the current USB
key directory.
In order to copy this file to your PC use the command:
pscp.bat maintenance@IpAddress:USRbackup.tar fileNameOnThePC
■ The command restores the usr partition from the file USRbackup.tar of
the current USB key directory.
In order to copy a backup file from your PC to the USB key use the command:
pscp.bat fileNameOnThePC maintenance@IpAddress:USRbackup.tar
How to use commands:
From a windows command line:
1) Go to the directory host of a s8.xcs9 (cdDoc\System\host).
2) Type the command plink.bat maintenance@IpAddress "./command".
For example: plink.bat maintenance@10.10.xx.xx "./".
Type one time the command: pre-check.bat maintenance@IpAddressif you are not restricted to only USB i would strongly suggest to connect with RJ45 cable to controller and using some FTP client (eg. Fillzilla) make backup of controller over network. IP of service port by default is you will have to use profile with password to login. (eg. maintenance password:********), default port is 21.