Hi folks,
I'm working with a Fanuc Cobot CRX-25iA. In my application I'm adjusting the User Frame at the beginning of the program, based on a known reference mark in the product. To do this, I'm making a PAUSE an allowing the operator to manually guide the robot to align the End Effector to the reference mark and START again the program. I'm recording that location (LPOS) in a PR an storing the X, Y, Z components to my UF (the reference mark doesn't really give you a good orientation).
The application is working good, but last Friday we got a part with a considerable variation in the orientation (so far I'm not adjusting orientation, just X, Y, Z). There is a second reference mark on the product, so I'm trying to figure out an easy way to adjust the orientation of the UF using my base point as the origin and the second mark to get the "r" component of the UF. Do you have any suggestion to do this with basic code? I don't have the MATRIX or the MATH functions package, never done a KAREL program either. Thank you!