Hi all, whats is the equivalent of Userframe(Fanuc), or Relative Frame(motoman) on panasonic ?
Hi all, whats is the equivalent of Userframe(Fanuc), or Relative Frame(motoman) on panasonic ?
What are you looking to do? I have a little experience programming Panasonic. Still learning DTPS.
I'm trying create a userframe so, when I move the robot base to a different location later on, I can update the userframe to keep the points the same.
Just like you would using a relatove frame option in motoman, or userframe in fanuc.
If I understand you right your trying to get the GP cooridnates for the calibration. Do you have DTPS? If you do you will find those settings in your installation editor. If your just using the pendant you can just get into view and will give you the cooridnates. Different types. Also you can get into settings> and look at the origin options. If I had a book here with me I could give you a complete walkthrough of the setting. If your not in a hurry to get this done I can give you a walkthrough late monday.
rderossett01 Atomant
Did you find a way to teach a program wrt to USER frame in simulator?