*************Equipment details*********
Make: Fanuc
Manipulator: Arcmate 100iC/8L
Robot controller : R30iB Plus
Weld Power Source Make : Lincoln
Weld Power Source : Power Wave® R450 Robotic Power Source.
PLC - Allen Bradley - Compact Logix 5380
Communication protocol - Ethernet (PLC -> Fanuc robot controller -> Lincoln Weld Powersource)
HI techies! we are trying to manipulate the arc weld parameters of robot while it is in Auto Mode, while searching I came across this OTF option which can help increase/decrease the weld parameters, but it would be in manual mode.
I want to know how I can do that externally like if there are some system variables related to OTF so I can change it through PLC externally while the robot is welding.