My robot in Roboguide is CRX-10iA/L
I am using Karel to get and set tool frame value. This is my piece of code
PosTool : XYZWPR
CASE(6): -- 'get_tool' request
WRITE('get_tool request',cr)
GET_VAR(entry, '*SYSTEM*', '$MNUTOOL[1,2]', PosTool, status)
IF status <> 0 THEN
POST_ERR(status, '', 0, 2)
I am getting the error
INTP-342 ABORT (%s^4, %d^5) Incompatible variable
Cause: KAREL program error. The data type defined by the BYNAME function and the variable
type are mismatched.
Remedy: Make sure you have the correct data type and variable type.
I have tried every data type for PosTool but getting the same error.
I am out of ideas.
Any help is appreciated