Good Morning,
In my Global points i have
DECL GLOBAL E6POS gXPickClear={X -222.720,Y -1057.05,Z 1000.00,A 95.6600,B 0.730000,C 179.910,S 2,T 11,E1 0.0,E2 0.0,E3 0.0,E4 0.0,E5 0.0,E6 0.0}
when i go to use that position in a routine and want to touchup that point or use that point in a different part of the program using the inline form it entirely makes a new point and calls it gXgXPickClear please take a look at my SPTP motion command bellow. in the manual it states that
‒ Point taught via an inline form in Global_Points.dat. gxP1 = {X 1700, Y 23, Z 1200, A 0, B 90, C 45}
is there something wrong you guy notice or have come across this before?
;FOLD SPTP <gXPickClear> Vel=100 % pdat_fast Tool[1]:ATI EOAT Base[0] ;%{PE}
;FOLD Parameters ;%{h}
;Params IlfProvider=kukaroboter.basistech.inlineforms.movement.spline; Kuka.IsGlobalPoint=True; Kuka.PointName=gXPickClear; Kuka.BlendingEnabled=False; Kuka.MoveDataPtpName=pdat_fast; Kuka.VelocityPtp=100; Kuka.VelocityFieldEnabled=True; Kuka.ColDetectFieldEnabled=True; Kuka.CurrentCDSetIndex=0; Kuka.MovementParameterFieldEnabled=True; IlfCommand=SPTP
SPTP gXgXPickClear WITH $VEL_AXIS[1] = SVEL_JOINT(100.0), $TOOL = STOOL2(gFgXPickClear), $BASE = SBASE(gFgXPickClear.BASE_NO), $IPO_MODE = SIPO_MODE(gFgXPickClear.IPO_FRAME), $LOAD = SLOAD(gFgXPickClear.TOOL_NO), $ACC_AXIS[1] = SACC_JOINT(Ppdat_fast), $APO = SAPO_PTP(Ppdat_fast), $GEAR_JERK[1] = SGEAR_JERK(Ppdat_fast), $COLLMON_TOL_PRO[1] = USE_CM_PRO_VALUES(0)