Hi there,
I bet you guys can figure out what I am missing and would help me with my little roboguide problem here:
Let me try to explain my problem (more or less steps from roboguide tutorial 2):
- I have imported my robot from backup into my workcell
- added positioner (conveyor), fixture, EOAT and part (positioned them somewhere in my envelope)
- selected part in parts tab for positioner, fixture and EOAT
- created a simulation program and inserted pick operation (same for drop operation)
- pick worked in the first run. then I turned the part for place operation on the fixture (180° rotation - around R in robot position, position is turned around w 180° because of Z+ pointing away from gripper) - maybe we have a problem here and FANUC somehow mixes this up, because Fanuc has a historical convetion to have Z+ pointing inside the gripper?
- robot cannot reach the position anymore even if the actual robot position seems to be exactly where the destination position should be. the pick position of the part is on the top and the part is placed "correctly" on the feeder or fixture (visibly)
my part looks like this on the part-plate in roboguide (to show you what i mean with random origin KS from CAD exports)