Hello guys, recently I installed ABB 1600 (2013) version (it was second-hand) for laser cutting. It's give very often error 50055 "joint load to high" on axis 1 in manual mode, i tried to decrease the speed up to V50, looks like it's working but this speed is too small for robot working in auto mode, moreover, this error repeating often, even when I move it manually by joystick it give this error
Can you guide me on how can i fix this issue, please
I've checked troubleshooting manual, here what is writen in the book:
Description 50055:
Actual torque on joint arg too high. Might be caused by incorrect load data, too high acceleration, high external process forces,low temperature or hardware error.
Recommended actions
Check load data. Reduce acceleration or speed. Check
P.S. Please consider that I have installed new laser head (tool) and new height controller and new laser source.
I really appreciate any help you can provide.