Does anybody here have any experience with the remote motion interface option?
My local Fanuc tech support does not provide much help.
I have the operator manual for the option and it tells me which packets to send when, but it does not tell me how one configures RMI in the robot? I am testing it with a (homemade) VB.NET program to send the packets to my roboguide simulation. Packets are being sent to port 16001.
When I try to send the 'connect' packet the controller in roboguide goes into fatal error and needs to reboot.
Errorcode: System error 640001,c000005 at 55bb3c9f
Power off controller to reset.
So I'm guessing the robot needs some configuration to make this possible? Also does the robot need to be in run/ specific program/....
Anybody with some insight on this vague option?