I am trying to understand the relation between the world frame and $ROBROOT. I currently use KUKA.Sim to experiment and have placed the robot on a 400mm high booster frame. To make the world coordinates more intuitive I have moved the Robot World Frame down by 400 mm (the height of the booster frame) so that the robot has positive Z values from the floor up. If I understand this correctly, $ROBROOT should then be moved up by 400mm (in Mada\machine.dat) so that it ends up in the robot base where it should be and not on the floor level where the World Frame is defined. Is this correct or do I misunderstand something? KUKA.Sim will not allow me to change $ROBROOT however, it will immediately change Z back to 0 when starting the simulation. Also, what will happen in practice if $ROBROOT is not moved back to the robot base?