Hi, I need to know what the system variable is that activates when the robot reaches a recorded position.
L @PR[83] R[107:SpdSearch]mm/sec .......
The '@' appears when the robot reaches the position. Is there a system variable associated with '@'?
Hi, I need to know what the system variable is that activates when the robot reaches a recorded position.
L @PR[83] R[107:SpdSearch]mm/sec .......
The '@' appears when the robot reaches the position. Is there a system variable associated with '@'?
Some additional information regarding the system variable $MNDSP_POSCF
This variable only controls the way the @-sign is displayed in the TP editor, it does not reflect the status of the robot such as an "inPos"-signal would.
When set to 0, the @-sign will not be displayed at all
When set to 1, the @-sign will be displayed when current position = taught position
When set to 2, the @-sign will only be displayed when curr.pos = taught pos. + cursor is on the line with the taught pos.
i want a system variable that reflect the '@', not to active or deactive '@'.
Did you find the variable what you were looking for?