Trying to connect Festo CPC-E-CEC-C1 (programmed via CodeSys SP18 Patch 4) AND KRC4 robot controller with and EtcherCAT bridge(Beckhoff EL6695), the intent is to exchange regular data variables for coordination of two automatization systems.
Safety over communication is unnecessary(X11 safety used on the robot). The Bekchoff EL6695 is the original one, NOT the EL6695-1001.
Festo PLC is connected to the EK1100(EtherCAT Coupler slave) which has the bridge module on E-bus rail (Festo is on the Primary side of EL6695).
The robot's controller is connected to the Secondary side of EL6695.(the RJ45 IN port of the bridge module).
Both WoV and CodeSys see the respective side of device via EtherCAT device scan.
I'm sure KRC4 version / robot serial is not relevant here, but if there is anything You could see that could help you help me then I would be happy to share.
On both sides the "communication is running all right ", but mapped variables do reflect change on other device no matter what. At most we managed to get one variable across in both directions, but adding 2nd or more resulted in the whole thing not reacting again.(as if both sides weren't configured the same and interpreted received as different types/sizes/mappings).
I've collected photos and screenshots that I think might be relevant to see the existing settings, wiring, etc., as well as a CodeSys project archive.
As I've read in READ FIRST there may be concern with data size, so I just uploaded all of aforementioned on Google Drive folder:
I've searched KUKA Xpert Basic materials, and nothing useful came up. The Beckhoff documentation is helpful explaining the basic principle of the module function and communication, and shows examples of setting it up in TwinCAT programmed PLC, but it does not seem to contain much information compatible with Codesys and we're clearly lacking the expertise with this on our end.
I've tried to connect to both sides of the EL6695 and configure it via TwinCAT as described in here: https://https//www.evergreen…ridge-terminal/
To no avail.
I've also searched for similar problem cases on this and other forums and nothing found seemed to help - it seems that we managed to make our own mistakes rather than the same mistakes others made.
Our company has used the regular EL6695(non -1001) secondary side on other robot projects in the past, and it worked, but we have never done it with a CodeSys IDE programmable controller, so our suspicion is that we might have made some mistake on CodeSys side but trying many different things, asking local experts and representatives of Festo, Beckhoff and CodeSys and KUKA don't seem to help shed some light on this. Was hoping maybe someone here has experience with this particular hardware combination and could give us assistance!
Just about anything insightful would helpful at this point , as we really are trying to get our system in the testing phase and the deadline is looming.