have four robots in individual cells, all on same 480/208 V transformer and panel. reading phase 1 is 210, phase 2 is 206, phase 3 is 211, could this drop cause the issue. i have checked panel for adjacent robots that are on different panel and transformer and i read 207V on all three phases. i guess my question is could this unbalance cause these alarms. i cant imaging i have 4 converters bad on same panel and transformer.
converter charger 4305 and 4359 alarms on DX 100
dannyadams27 -
January 10, 2024 at 6:20 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
Werner Hampel
January 10, 2024 at 6:24 PM Approved the thread. -
Yes, the unbalanced voltages on the secondary of your transformer are casing this.
We have now moved to 6 robots but they are all on same power distribution from same bus duct. Looking into that aspect, my meter tracking has voltage spikes on 480 side down to 450 which coincides with the alarm on the 208 robot side.