Good morning everyone,
I'm new to robotic in general and to kuka robots in particular,
I just took the KUKA college course and I'm now working on my first project:
KUKA KSS 8.7.6
It's a simple pick and place cycle,
the robot needs to load a CNC machine with raw pieces and unload finished ones,
divided in simple operation i.e. pickPiece, openDoor...
I'm now using a set of global points (gXpickingTable, gXloadSpindle, gXdoorHandle, ...)
Here's my problem: I would like this programs to work for different types of pieces (let say 100).
The PLC will pass me an INT which represents the type of piece to work.
The operator needs to be able to touch up a new set of points each time he creates a new CNC program,
but without losing thew previous sets.
I'm wondering if it's possible to do so without copypasting the entire program and changing the name of the points every time.
Pints need to be created and touched up with inline forms.
I'm thinking of initializing the global points in an custom SPS:
SWITCH giJobSelectionCNC
gXpickingTable = gXpickingTableProg1
gXpickingTable = gXpickingTableProg2
but I'm not convinced because the operator would have to modify the SPS too, every time he wants to create a new piece.
This can't be a new problem, so I'm asking you, is there a "canonical" way to solve it?