
The meaning of the three icons on the boot interface of the KUKA robot
wangyichao -
November 30, 2023 at 4:41 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
November 30, 2023 at 4:55 PM Approved the thread. -
This is the English forum.
What icons, exactly? A picture would be helpful.
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i just copy and paste image into the message box
don't recall seeing official documentation mention those, though it may be out there somewhere.
the issue is that icons change in appearance and color as the system is advancing through bootup process. also the appearance may be different on different software levels.
my interpretation is sort of like this:
red is bad, green is good.
the first icon (safety cone) indicates safety system state
the second icon is connection (smartPad need to get IP address from KRC and establish connection)
the third one is operating mode (EXT = Auto External)
the red banner across top of the screen normally indicates that safety is configured but not yet ready.
the gray banner across top of the screen indicates that safety is not configured (KRC does not yet know what safety interface is used). at startup, this may not be known yet, so even in case of no safety interface defined, it may be the red banner showing up.
banner may contain text message indicating that EStop functionality is limited in some way.
for example it is not operative at all (and therefore does not affect anything - robot or peripherals or external pieces of equipment),
OR (as in case of StartUp mode), it only has local effect (robot Estop only affects robot but not external equipment, and external Estops may only affect external equipment but not the robot).