KRC2 Ed05 KSS 5.5.16
arctech digital V2.3.3
KR2210L180_2 S C2 FLR ZH210
KL 1500
custom positioner with motor siemens
Hello ,
I have a system to weld round pieces (2m diameter) and 6 m length
i need to use weaving while positioner its rotating and regulate the speed of welding
i can regulate speed of welding and rotating moving the speed of welding because is used BASE 17 for kinematics
Ptp TOOL [1][base 17 ]
Ptp TOOL [1][base 17 ]
Lin TOOL [1][base 17 ]
Lin TOOL [1][base 17 ]
arc on lin TOOL [1][base 17 ]
arc switch circ TOOL [1][base 17 ]
arc switch circ TOOL [1][base 17 ]
arc switch circ TOOL [1][base 17 ]
arc switch circ TOOL [1][base 17 ]
arc off circ TOOL [1][base 17 ]
the arc switch circ , arc off circ have a little movements on the torch to avoid problem of same point equal to before programated, also between PI , PF i i rotate the positioner.
So , this before mentioned work correctly to weld round pieces with the "fixed" torch and rotating round piece, i increase or decrease speed of welding as i need.
This before mentioned is the solution for older post :
regulate speed of external axis while i'm using arctech20
it works , but i cant regulate the speed of external axis
the robot is a KR16 with archtech 20 and one axis external vertical
i generate a circle using the next points:
arc on lin
arc switch circ
arc switch circ
arc switch circ
arc switch circ
arc off lin
all these points is sinchronized joint at the external axis , but the speed in external axis always is the same , even i modified welding speed ,…
in the past i wasnt using BASE 17 , for kinematics , if i use base 1 to 16 not work, not its possible to regulate speed welding
Now the problem its: i need weaving , while i rotate the positioner and the speed need regulated as the process required
i need a zig zag welding while the positioner its rotating to weld complete cincunferency
its very important the movement constantly , if its not constantly the seam its thin or width.
i see this 2 posts:
Welding application: Robot shifting while weaving
I'm commissioning a KR8 R2010-2 with a DKP-400-V1 controlled by a KR C4 (KSS 8.6) including ArcTechBasic 3.3, ArcTechAdvanced 3.3, TouchSense 3.2, ArcSense 3.3 (and RSI 4.1).
As part of the commissioning, we are providing 5 recipes including a pipe to pipe (butt joint with 5mm gap between the pipes).
The fixture is installed on the positioner, with the positioner at 90deg and rotating 360deg while the robot is "staying in position" (see attached zip file containing images, video and…
KRC2 - Arc tech weave with a welding positioner
I am using a KRC2 ED5, Kuka KR16 welding robot to weld flanges onto pipes.
The pipe is mounted on a rotary table , driven with a kuka sevro motor configured as a 7th axis.
The arc tech software will happily weld in a mechanical weave pattern whilst the welding torch is moving between two positions , but in this application the 7th axis rotates the pipe and the welding torch stays in one fixed position.
My question is how to enable the weave patterns in the direction of the rotating weld seam…
maybe $circ_type=#PATH its an option
I need advices to sincronize the weaving , rotation positioner , regulate speed welding.
attached my machine data