I Need to communicate kuka robot with mitsubishi plc through ethernet
how can i do that.
I installed the ethernet software in kcp but can't ping through plc
I Need to communicate kuka robot with mitsubishi plc through ethernet
how can i do that.
I installed the ethernet software in kcp but can't ping through plc
what kind of Ethernet?
there are many options: ProfiNet, EtherNet/IP, EtherCat, Ethernet KRL, RSI, FSD,OPC UA
Ethernet krl
that is not the easiest way to exchange data with a PLC but ok.
you need to
1. choose IP address range,
2. choose role of both nodes (client/server)
3. make a list of signals to be exchanged
4. choose message format (XML or binary)
5. create PLC program that can send and receive socket message, compose and parse message based on your list of signals.
6. create XML configuration
7. place configuration in correct path on the robot
8. create KRL program on the robot to send/receive messages and compose/parse data according to your chosen format
9. add means to control the data flow, handle reconnection etc.
so ... which part exactly you have a problem with?
create XML configuration.
How can i do that.
Just as shown in the documentation and included examples.
XML is tag based machine readable format, similar to HTML. it is case sensitive.
tag EXAMPLE look like
where begin and end are exactly the same except that end also contains / to indicate that this is closing of something started before.
and one can nest tags, for example EXAMPLE can contain further tags A,B,C
then applying this to EthernetKRL you get something that looks like
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Message" Type="STRING" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Positions/Current/@X" Type="REAL" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Positions/Before/X" Type="REAL" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Nmb" Type="INT" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Status/IsActive" Type="BOOL" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Read/xyzabc" Type="FRAME" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Show/@error" Type="BOOL" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Show/@temp" Type="INT" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Show" Type="STRING" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor/Free" Type="INT" Set_Out="998" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Sensor" Set_Flag="998" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Data/LastPos/@X" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Data/LastPos/@Y" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Data/LastPos/@Z" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Data/LastPos/@A" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Data/LastPos/@B" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Data/LastPos/@C" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Data/ActPos/@X" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Status" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/Mode" />
<ELEMENT Tag="Robot/RobotLamp/GrenLamp/LightOn" />
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Thanks for the support
I think the ip may be mismatching in xml configuration
i will check this tomorrow and let you know.