im trying to figure out how to get the right analog input from the fronius welder, which i think can send the analog voltage value to the robot through devicenet.
im wondering if these lines in the EIO.sys file might be able to be set up to create an internal analogue input value to link weldguide to
-Phsig 1 -Type "AO" -Unit "ioFronius" -StartBit 32 -NoOfBits 16\
-EncType "UNSIGNED" -HighAnalog 10 -HighDigital 65535
-Phsig 2 -Type "AO" -Unit "ioFronius" -StartBit 48 -NoOfBits 16\
-EncType "UNSIGNED" -HighAnalog 10 -HighDigital 65535
-Phsig 3 -Type "AO" -Unit "ioFronius" -StartBit 64 -NoOfBits 8\
-EncType "UNSIGNED" -HighAnalog 10 -HighDigital 255
-Phsig 4 -Type "AO" -Unit "ioFronius" -StartBit 72 -NoOfBits 8\
-EncType "UNSIGNED" -HighAnalog 10 -HighDigital 255
-Phsig 1 -Type "AI" -Unit "ioFronius" -StartBit 32 -NoOfBits 16\
-EncType "UNSIGNED" -HighAnalog 10 -HighDigital 65535
-Phsig 2 -Type "AI" -Unit "ioFronius" -StartBit 48 -NoOfBits 16\
-EncType "UNSIGNED" -HighAnalog 10 -HighDigital 65535
-Phsig 3 -Type "AI" -Unit "ioFronius" -StartBit 64 -NoOfBits 8\
-EncType "UNSIGNED" -HighAnalog 10 -HighDigital 255
-Phsig 4 -Type "AI" -Unit "ioFronius" -StartBit 80 -NoOfBits 16\
-EncType "UNSIGNED" -HighAnalog 10 -HighDigital 65535
The fronius setup manual list these analogue parameters
SupervWireStick signaldo
TcpSpeedCtrlDO signaldo Digital output for activating the TCP Speed mode.
Analog output signal for analog voltage reference. If
weld voltage is defined, the component voltage is
available. Also referred to as ArcLength.
VoltReference signalao
AO (required)
Analog output signal for analog wire feed reference.
If wire feed is defined, the component wirefeed in
welddata is available. Also referred to as Power.
FeedReference signalao
AO (required)
Analog output to control the welder. Also referred to
as Dynamic.
ControlPort AO signalao
Analog output for burn back correction. Also referred
to as BurnBackCorrection.
BurnBackCorrec- signalao
tion AO (required)
Internal analog output signal representing the actual
robot TCP speed.
Internal signalao
TcpSpeed AO
TcpSpeed AO signalao Analog output signal sent to the Fronius power source.
VoltageMeas AI signalai Analog input signal for voltage measurement.
CurrentMeas AI signalai Analog input signal for current measurement.
SynWireFeed AI signalai Analog input signal for synergic wire feed.
MotorCurrent- signalai Analog input signal for motor current measurements.
Meas AI
Group output signal for sending the job number to the
JobPort GO (re- signalgo
Group output signal for sending the program number
to the welder.
ProgramPort GO signalgo
Note: Program number 0 and 1 are occupied and
cannot be used.
Group output signal for sending the mode number to
the welder.
ModePort GO signalgo
WelderError- signalgi Group input signal for the error codes fromthe welder.
im thinking if I enter VoltReference signalao somewhere into the parameters it will connect one signal to the other?