Hello everyone!
System data:
KSS 8.3.29
I am installing an ArcTech Basic 1.5 package on a KSS 8.3 system
I installed the KOP in the WoV, after that i tried to upload the project but i received message that the Option package needs to be installed on the controller.
So i installed it through the add new technology procedure on the controller and i can see the ArcTech buttons available also the technology package is visible in the installed options.
So i did the setup for the Fronius connection (Ethercat) and the ArcTech Basic setup - IO etc.
When i try to upload the project - it is going through until it start the installation of the project on the controller. After that it gives me error - The required option ArcTechBasic V1.5.7.2836 is missing on the controller! - i am attaching a photo of it.
I cannot attach the project as it is too big, but if needed i can upload somewhere an provide the download link
I tried also to copy the project on the robot and to activate it from there, but the result is the same - it says that the option package is missing on the controller.
Any idea what might be wrong?
Thank you in advance!