I'm trying to get an FTP connection working with my s4c+ controller but I don't seem to be able to access any settings under Communication: Physical Connection: Protocols
I tried doing an X-start and adding in the IP information for the computer but that doesnt seem to help its as though the information is missing in the SIO file. (here's the contents)
-Name "COM1" -Connector "MC/SIO1"
-Name "COM2" -Connector "IOC1/SIO1" -Baudrate 38400
-Name "COM3" -Connector "IOC1/SIO2"
-Name "LAN1" -Connector "LAN"
-Name "SER1" -Connector "SERVICE"
-Name "RTP1" -Driver "mc/rtp1"
-Name "FTP" -Driver "FTP"
-Name "TCPIP1" -Type "TCP/IP" -PhyChannel "LAN"
-Name "laser1:" -Type "RTP1" -PhyChannel "COM2"
-Name "ABB" -Type"FTP" -Trp"TCPIP1"
I've seen some threads about adding something like :
-ServerAddress "" -LocalPath "ToolPC:"
-Username "ABB"
-Password "ABB" -MaxFileSize "150"
but I don't think i can put that in there unless those things are defined asstrings and i dont know the syntax for doing it.
Any ideas?