I'm coming from an almost pure Kuka background but will have to do some work with Fanuc in the future. What would be the main diffrences? Stuff thats good to know? Where do you find relevant programming manuals? Are Fanucs as open as Kuka to modification? Options, what are the most common? How do they compare to kuka? What hardware is used for i/o? Have anyone else gone the same way, and what is your experience? IDE for programming, what is commonly used? Are fanucs big or little endian? Datatypes any special quirks? General program structure for fanucs?
I will take a programming course within some weeks. But still would like if anyone has gone the same route or has any opinions. I'm guessing I would very much like someone to explain the details and diffrences between fanuc and kuka from a kuka programmers point of view.