I have a question regarding the Advance Run Stop in my Main.src and reading/storing values from a GroupInput.
Does this produce an Advacne Run Stop that halts my movements momentarily?
Acording to the manual it should only stop should be if the robot changes an output and then halts the cursor.
Is this also true for when reading Inputs? And should I Copy+Paste a CONTINUE infront of every single line?
PickFromMagNoTemp = GIPickFromMagasinNo
NextPickFromMagNoTemp = GINextPickFromMagasinNo
FlgInnerDiameterTemp = GIFlangeInnerDiameter
FlgOuterDiameterTemp = GIFlangeOuterDiameter
FlgCollarHeightTemp = GIFlangeCollarHeight
FlgOutGaskOffHeightTemp = GIFlangeOutGaskOffHeight
PlisseDiameterTemp = GIPlisseOutTopDiameter
FlgGlueHeightTemp = GIFlangeGlueHeight
GrindFlangeTemp = DIGrindFlange
FlgGlueInDiameterTemp = GIFlangeGlueInDiameter
FlgGlueOutDiameterTemp = GIFlangeGlueOutDiameter
FlangeIsSquareTemp = DISqrFlng
StackBrickHeightTemp = GIStackBrickHeight
StackRingDiameterTemp = GIStackRingDiameter
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