Thanks for the file save, I've had a look over it and here's what I've found:
- AS Firmware requires updating - The current version is not a recognised version I've ever seen.
- SV firmware require updating - The current version is very old indeed and may not be correct.
Kawasaki Tech Support sent you these files including the TP firmware for the MFP.
Therefore IMHO they would not have sent you these unless they were correct.
Can you zip those up and the procedure they provided and send them to me using the conversation option on the forum?
I think at this point with the MFP's displaying nothing, is it worth taking a punt and assuming it's the display part of the MFP that is faulty and try a blind firmware upload just for smarts to see if this is the case?
So what I mean by this is to carry out first an AS firmware install procedure, even though we can't see anything on the TP and then an SV firmware install if the AS install is a success.
If this all works, then at least you will have a setup 1GA/1HA board ahead of resolving the MFP/1HP issue.
This may then highlight the issue with the MFP is an internal issue and not 1HP.
What do you think?......worth a shot?
What you will need is a known compatible PCMCIA card.
I have started the following thread posting compatible cards based on experience with C controllers:
So this means:
- Placing the relevant files onto a compatible PCMCIA card from a PC to the card.
- Placing the card in the MFP slot.
- Setting SW2 on 1GA/1HA card to 1,3,5,8 ON.
- Emergency stop in, teach lock on.
- Powering the controller up whilst holding either diagonal corners.
- Holding them for a good 60s.
- Then walking away from it for a good 30-40 mins.
- Powering down the controller, setting SW2 1 ON.
- Have KCWin32 running and connected and powering back on.
- Then entering ID command and see if the firmware has loaded.
Bit of a blind punt, but worth a shot I think.............