Good morning, I am having an issue with zeroing a Kawasaki FA006 robot with a C40 controller. The robot was moved to a new location. While moving the whole robot, axis number 3 moved due to its weak brake (it is a robot from 1999). Since then, I have calibrated all of the axes and everything seems okay at the time. However, when next day the operator attempted to move the robot in auto mode, the 4th axis re-calibrated itself (it went to -4.20 degrees). I then zeroed the fourth axis again. The robot worked perfectly fine until the next day when the 4th axis moved again to the same position (-4.20 degrees). The brake on the 4th axis works perfectly well. Where could the problem be?
'99 Kawasaki FA006EFC040 4th axis zeroing problem
mlwk -
August 29, 2023 at 8:23 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
August 29, 2023 at 9:40 AM Approved the thread. -
Welcome to the forum...........
Before re-zero, take full backup, after re-zero take another backup.
When problem occurs again, take another backup and make comparison with previous backups.
Robot does not suddenly re-calibrate itself or change settings without reason.
1. If values are changing, then encoder battery may be causing issue, I would advise replace it due to age.
2. Please describe the process you are using to re-zero?
Okay, here's what I've gathered:
1. I assumed the same thing, so I ordered a new encoder battery. The robot loses its 4th axis calibration only after being turned off for a long time - two days or more. The battery hasn't been replaced in at least three years, so this may be the cause of the problem (although it's strange that it only affects one axis).
2. I'm zeroing the robot based on its markings at the end of each axis. I can't remember exactly which function did the zeroing (I think it was 45, but I'm not completely sure).
Also, how can I download the backup? Until now, I have only been working with newer controlers from Kawasaki that have a new TP and menu (E series). I hope I don't need an RS-232 interface on my laptop to download a backup, as I don't have one.
Also, how can I download the backup? Until now, I have only been working with newer controlers from Kawasaki that have a new TP and menu (E series). I hope I don't need an RS-232 interface on my laptop to download a backup, as I don't have one.
I think, that you can buy USB-RS232 cable (they are cheap) or use a PC-Card (of course, you will need to buy card reader).
The battery hasn't been replaced in at least three years, so this may be the cause of the problem (although it's strange that it only affects one axis).
That's not strange at all for only one axis to be affected but yes, it could certainly do with a new one.
Zeroing consists of 2 parts.
Aux 140 (encoder rotation counter reset) followed by Aux 41 (zeroing).
- You can do individual joints or all joints.
- So simply align JT4 and carry out Aux 140, then Aux 41 selecting JT4 in both and you should be golden.
Go here for a number of apps to chose from:
I have included a couple of guides for KCWin32, KCWinTCP or KRTerm to assist in an initial filesave.
If you haven't got an ethernet port on the CPU card, you have 3 choices on the Cxx Controllers:
- Floppy disc drive unit (if you have one with the controller, so should already be configured).
- PCMCIA card (The teach pendant contains a slot for this - Limitation on card size to around 32Mb).
- RS232 using KCWin32 or KRTerm and a null modem cable, or a poor man crossover 2-3, 3-2, 5-5