i am creating a new model gripper ( dual gripper opposite each other ) for a single robot. kindly help me to a write a program for this model. program must be like
gripper A from home to start to pick up stage after stroke of press pick a1, pick a2, pick a3, pick a4, pick a5 then change robot to gripper B after next stroke of press then gripper B, pick b1, pick b2, pick b3, pick b4, pick b5, after this move gripper A to place point stage place a1, place a2, place a3, place a4, place a5, place a6, place 7 then move robot to gripper A pick a1, pick a2, pick a3, pick a4, pick a5 then move move gripper B to place point stage place b1, place b2, place b3, place b4, place b5, place b6, place 7 then move robot to pickup gripper B then pick b1, pick b2, pick b3, pick b4, pick b5, after this move gripper A to place point stage place a1, place a2, place a3, place a4, place a5, place a6, place 7 then move robot to gripper A pick a1, pick a2, pick a3, pick a4, pick a5 then gripper B, pick b1, pick b2, pick b3, pick b4, pick b5, after this move gripper A to place point stage place a1, place a2, place a3, place a4, place a5, place a6, place 7 then move robot to gripper A pick a1, pick a2, pick a3, pick a4, pick a5 then move move gripper B to place point stage place b1, place b2, place b3, place b4, place b5, place b6, place 7 like wise program goes. at the ending time both gripper A and gripper B should be in there placing point . gripper A place complete after gripper B place and process complete.
1. initial line start time after stroke gripper A pick then after other stroke gripper B pick then only gripper A move to next press place point - initial start time 2 stroke to pick part both gripper A and gripper B
2. A = 0, B = 0 A pick after A pick next
A = 1, B = 0 B pick after B pick next
A = 1, B = 1 A place after A place next
A place 7 position ensure ok or retry
A = 0, B = 1 A pick after A pick next
A = 1, B = 1 B place after B place next
B place 7 position ensure ok or retry
A = 1, B = 0 B pick after B pick next
A = 1, B = 1 A place after A place next
A = 0, B = 1 A pick after A pick next
A = 1, B = 1 B place after B place next likewise
while ending time
A = 1, B = 1 A place after A place next
A = 0, B = 1 B place after B place next process complete after
A = 0, B = 0 A pick after A pick next to home
3. 2 nos vacuum pump used for 2 grippers
4. place 7 common for both grippers because the robot direction should not change due gripper A in one side semi circle movement and gripper B in another semi circle movement
if gripper A had panel ( vacuum on zone )then place 7 for gripper B . if gripper B had panel ( vacuum on zone ) then place 7 for gripper A.