Greetings to all forum members.
I'm new to this forum and found it to be very informative. Thanks to all contributors, especially Kawasaki, for valuable input.
I spent quite a few hours reading several interesting articles. Almost like a bestseller novel.
To the topic:
I'm trying to utilize software Ethernet/IP ability of E-controller to communicate with Unistream PLC. Unfortunately, in attempt to follow Software Ethernet/IP PROCEDURE BEFORE OPERATION chapter in General Fieldbus I/O Usage Manual, I was interrupted by lack of pendant Aux. 0608 function. From the manual I understood that Software Ethernet/IP functionality doesn't require any additional hardware at robot side. In some article, activation of certain system option was mentioned. Can it be activated by user?
In the list of system switches, extracted by SWITCH command, nothing remaining of Ethernet or fieldbus was found. However, investigation of file exposed OP_COMMU1 OFF and OP_FIELDBUS OFF lines accompanied by some negative values. Is that it? Is it enough to change them to ON? What is the meaning of those values? Must they also be changed?
Thanks in advance.
P.S. Unfortunately, I didn't find forum "Search" function. Am I missing something?
Thanks again.
Best regards,