I have a problem with robot BA006N.
Let me describe a situation. The robot's task is to weld a V-shaped seam on a pipe. Accordingly, the robot is equipped with a single-axis positioner and the positioner is set up in cooperation mode with the robot. It is set precisely. Welding must be performed with oscillations and this is where the problem arises. When welding with a frequency of 1.5 Hz, there is a vertical tremor of the torch. However, at a frequency of 2 Hz, there is no more tremor. Moreover, the presence of tremor also depends on the width of the oscillation. Tremor at 1.5 Hz occurs at an oscillation width of 5-8 mm.
Unfortunately, the technological process implies such oscillations (what an unfortunate coincidence!). Is there any idea how to solve this problem. At the link you can see a video with tremor at 1.5 Hz and no tremor at 2 Hz. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/…C0y?usp=sharing