Working on an iRVision application, and my first Fanuc robot. My colleague and I have figured out how to pull multiple positions from the camera, and save them to the Vision Registers. What we are now trying to figure out is how to ERASE those registers after we are done using the data. We want to pick multiple parts from a single image, then overwrite the data with a new image. But we are also counting the number of parts we find, and do not want registers to be populated if there is not a corresponding part.
We considered setting all the registers to [0,0,0,0,0,0] or to our vision reference position, but that will still allow robot motion to those points. If the register value has been deleted completely (shows as '*' on the pendant, then it can't/won't try to reach that position. So what would the command be to ERASE or DELETE all data from a given register?