I have been working on a project on OfficeLite KRC V8.7.OL_Build04 (network licence) for several months with Workvisual 6.0.26_Build2225 without problems (The host is Windows 11). At the beginning, during a new start this OfficeLite used to take a bit longer to load the other OfficeLite V8.6.OL, but it works. The issue now is, not only that it now takes more than 10 minutes to start, the transfer of a change .src files takes forever. Sometimes the transfer is not successful after a long time hanging. Sometime the error "Unable to establish connection to the KRC. Robot control is not possible" pops up. I can confirm a good connection to the server.
Is there a suggestion on what could go wrong here? Thanks for your inputs!
OfficeLite is on Virtual Machine.