What's the procedure if robot stops to palletize during handling process? For example bag / box will be lost or robot will get stucked in collision.
Moving the robot to HOME position + init will be enough? Is there a possibiltiy to send a command by PLC to start the process with specific layer/unit?
Jobs will be controlled by PLC.
PalletSolver - what if robot stops?
bonczek -
June 20, 2023 at 10:26 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
Hi Bonczek,
there are many ways to continue a program after it stops, one of them is to continue exactly where was stopped, another one is to be aborted, the option that I suggest is abort and start the process from the beginning, and you should add a routine into the home sequence to decide if you will scrap the part or continue with the process.
In this step I suggest a sensor to decide if the part is ok or if you should scrap it.
Or did you mean something different?
HI Nettlesomeone,
If you are talking about this procedure while using PalletSolver package then yep - that's what I meant.
How to abort the program at Yaskawa robot? At Fanuc robots there was just an option ABORT. Can't find something like that on Yaskawa. Hm?If I understand correctly - after aborting the JOB + homing, PLC will have to call master job to continue palletizing and robot will remember the position where next box/bag should be placed?
The abort key or its signal can work when you have error in the system when robot was palletizing.
If you stop robot by the hold key, you can start robot and it will do the cycle and finish it.
If you have error in pick/place, you can use ignore or abort signal.
If press ignore signal robot continue the cycle and error will be reset.
If press abort (if robot have box), it will go to home and go to reject station, release boxes and come back to home. The build station will be lock and you need to confirm the realese done and unlock build station.
After that robot will do previous cycle again.