Hello, I am back I have finally received the Beckhoff parts and gotten them installed in a panel along with the EL6695-1001 into the KRC4 cabinet. I am having some issues with setting up the Beckhoff EL6910 safety to interface with the KUKA robot and am wondering if i can get some feedback on whether the physical configuration is correct, the software setup is correct, or if I'm making some blatant mistakes in interfacing between these two systems.
So far the setup we have is as follows: KRC4 > EK1100 > EL6695-1001 on the primary.
On the secondary we have as follows: EL6695-1001 > EK1110 > CX8190 > EL1008 > EL6910 > EL2008 > EL1918(EL1904) > EL2904 > EL6070 > (This is where the EK1110 is actually but for flow I put it at the front)
does this seems correct? we are going to have DI/O in the form of a colour sensor and force torque sensor and i don't think it matters if the EL1008 and EL2008 cards are connected to the robot slave ethercat network versus the Beckhoff and being passed along Ethercat to the robot.
I have the ethernet cable connected between the secondary side of the EL6695-1001 to the EK1110. as far as i am aware in Work visual I only need to put the EK1100 and the EL6695-1001 Primary devices in under the SYS-X44 bus and ensure that FSoE is activated in the safety control page and then map inputs ( as well as the robot programs). (I then pushed this configuration to the robot successfully)
As for the Twincat3 side of things is where i am a little more confused, The documentation for setting up FSoE from KUKA is dated and doesn't really explain it to well so i am having issues with the implementation here. (some tabs are different, some things are missing and its hard to follow, I will be contacting Beckhoff for some help on the twincat implementation but i would like other eyes to help as well.
I have scanned the devices into the I/O section, it had issues with the EL6695-1001 so i followed the KUKA guide and imported the secondary .esi file and it still has issues. The EL6695 is stuck in ERR_PREOP and is not moving into the OP state. (I can reset it and it goes into INIT state) and its not allowing me to map the inputs to the safety or even view the inputs in the I/O section of the solution explorer. Any clarification on how to achieve communication correctly would be greatly appreciated as I am lost currently.
Here are some photos for diagnostics
Thank you for your time and sorry if i am missing something blatantly obvious