Hey everybody
I am somewhat new to robotics and am trying to learn as much as possible. I am currently trying to learn as much about IRpicktool as I can. We are looking to do line tracking and from my research this is how you do it. We are wanting to incorporate vision. I have set up a 2d vision process before however I have not done this in IRpickpro in roboguide. When I create the work cell it defaults with a sensor and not a vision cam. I can add a vision cam if I select the roboguide tab at the bottom and I can setup a vision process however when I go back to the IRPicktool tab I cannot add the cam to the conveyor infeed section I can only add additional sensors. Sorry if this is a super basic question I have no exposure to IRPicktool so far so I'm trying to figure out as much as possible.
Thanks in advance!!