Dear colleagues,
I have got:
- Roboguide 9.40100.00.05
- Robot model: M-710iC 50
- Robot controller: R-30iB Plus
The project, I create from robot controller "all of above" type backup.
You can see from screenshot what are the axis limits. J1 for example is -180 to 180 degrees.
It turns out that I can not reach positions, located on robot right! Actually this are position below J1 < -70 degrees. I can not figure out why is that.
In addition I noticed that when the position is not reachable, robot gripper freezes and TCP with the Cartesian Coordinate System continues to move with my mouse pointer.
Roboguide Help is not an example for even approximately good help information system.
Can you give me a hint, what is the problem and how I can make positions reachable!
The real robot can reach positions located at -180 < J1 <= 0 easily!
Svetozar Yolov