How speed up simulation for timer

  • Hello friends,

    Does someone know how to speed up simulation just for timing or how to timing without simulation.

    My program have around 40 minutes and i dont want to wait :sleeping_face:

    Tnx for help :smiling_face:

  • Either temporarily change all the wait-instructions (remark them), or when waiting press FCTN->Release WAIT and the program pointer will move to the next line but the program will be paused.

    Or you could simply just speed up the simulation rate in the run panel.

  • In the Run Panel, you can adjust the Synchronize Time and Run-Time Refresh Rate to speed up the simulation.

    Your simulation will run quicker, but I've found that different settings for these will give different timing results (on the exact same program). So, as long as you're only looking for "Ball Park" times you should be okay.

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