This is my first time in to a forum and i would like to say it is amazing the amount of knowledge that you can see in this place.!!!
We just got a FS10C Arm with C Controller that we got in an auction.
We have made a lot of progress looking in the previous threads but we have reached a dead end. So i am asking for advise!!! Thanks in advance.
- We are able to move the robot both in manual mode and in Run mode with simples programs.
- We can connect via the RS232
But what we can not do is to send and external signal to the world, so we can not do anything but play with this arm!!
We have tried 1GW with the OX signals, and we can see in the pendant that the light up and we are able to control them SIGNAL 1 TO 32 on and off, however we can not get a real signal in the CN2.
We have connected a 24 V to the 18 pin and a 0V ref to 36th pin. We made a simple resistor led circuit to test the signal with no luck. We thought the board maybe damaged so go got a new one. With no change.
We are not where to go from here.
Some pics, Thanks!!!