I have an older IRC5, RobotWare 5.16 with the 840-1 option. With the RobotWare 5.16 the order of creating the Ethernet comms is different.
First I need to create the 'Bus', type: EtherNet/IP, Connector ID: 'Fieldbus Adapter and give it an IP address here.
Then I need to create the 'Unit Type', type of bus: 'Ethernet/IP'. In here I need to put all the info from the ENIP_FA.eds file. I think this is where my problem might be.
Then I create the 'unit', type from the second step, connected to bus from first step.
When creating the generic ethernet module in Studio5000 (v32) I use the same values I used in the second step in robotstudio but still getting an error: invalid input size
Would someone know what values should be used on both ends, please?
Can't insert images to make this easier to explain..