I am trying to guide a r2000iC robot on a 30iB (non plus) controller with a cognex 8405 camera.
I calibrated the camera and I am using on offset in the user frame that is at the same z height as the calibration for the camera. Works great for x and y. rotation was a little bit off a hickup until I realized that I need to have the origin of the camera pattern be at the same x and y coordinates as the tcp. Now rotation works fine as well.
What I am worrying about is maintenance or whatever reteaching the pick location (or the vision program). We have other cognex to fanuc guidance applications which were created by an external contractor using karel. Seems like he is manipulating the user frame instead of using an offset. Is that a common practice? Is there a best practice, ideally using .tp? I am not a big fan of karel, as the .kl will get lost if it even provided.