I have a R30iB controller running a handling application. The robot is controlled by a ControlLogix PLC, and most normal IO is exchanged between the robot and PLC (DI, DO, GI, GO). There are three programs that are running that used AR[1] through [AR]10 and these appear to be linked to programs called from the PLC via GI's and GO's. What I don't understand is how the AR's are sent and received by the robot. Within what appear to be native Karel programs (sendsysv, senddata, getdata), I keep seeing calls for a program called GESNDDAT, and the AR's are being passed in and out of that. What does GESNDDAT do? Where can I find where these AR's are modified programatically? I have done a TP ASCII dump and don't see where these Arguments are modifed or changed at all, yet when my programs are running I'm seeing them update. Thanks