Hi Everyone - I have been struggling with the following error on my staubli cs8 for a while and as a consequence the arm does not get power until the error code is removed somehow.
"Cannot settle arm power fault on signal DOOR1 needs to be corrected and tested.
User emergency stop UEN1/DOOR1 activated:
Controller status: A hardware fault was detected by the controllers robot safety level is reduced. Repair the faulty signal and active it to show that the hardware fault is solved. Then acknowledge the fault."
I have farmed the manual and even swapped the F2 Fuse after following these steps:
- Contact USEREN1/DOOR1, J109, 3-22/9-28
- Internal voltage (24Vfus) for E-Stop lines is off.
- If E-Stop lines are powered from CS8C:
Check that there is no short circuit between E-Stop lines. - Change F2 fuse.
- If E-Stop lines are powered from an external device:
- Check that external 24 V is provided between J109-19 (+24 V) and J109-37 (0 V).
- Check that there is no short circuit between E-Stop lines.
- Change F2 fuse.
- If E-Stop lines are powered from CS8C:
This happened all off a sudden when I turned on the controller the following day. I really cannot afford to replace the RSI. I appreciate anyone's input.