Time since last move?

  • At my plant we have 8 R-30iB Mate Plus used to cut down the repetitive motion for the operators. the lines can run without the robots but with robots running the operators are expected to run 2 lines instend of just 1. what I believe is happening is operators shut down the robots once management leaves and then starts them back up in the morning or claims they just went down. my questions is, is there something I can use through the teach pendent to see time since last move? the operators have a homing key switch so normally the robot is home by the time I get there and faults are cleared (I thought about monitoring when it faulted but that doesn't prove when the robot was turned off). I looked at the system timers and maybe its me not fully understanding them but it didn't look like they were what I was looking for. as far as using the PLCs in the main machine the German company that makes the machine keeps the programing and we don't have the ability to add monitoring ourselves, we could pay to have something put in but if there is something I can do with the TP that would be the preferred method.

    if you need any additional information please let me know. thank you for any assistance.

  • Relating to something I just wrote on another post, you may be able to store the current time of the robot writting on bglogic the time into a register.

    Assuming the variable $FAST_CLOCK is reset after a powerup (i dont have a controller here to check if it works that way), you can check if robot controller was restarted by checking if the new value is lower than the last one stored to know if robot was powered down. This should be running on bglogic:

    1: IF ($FAST_CLOCK < R[10]), JMP LBL[100] ; jump to the code where a flag is set indicating powerdown
    2: JMP LBL[200] ; jump to end and update register
    3: ;
    4: LBL[100] ;
    5: F[5]=ON ;
    6: ;
    7: LBL[200] ;
    8: R[10]=$FAST_CLOCK ; store the current time
    9: LBL[999]

    You should reset the flag manually each time the condition triggers.

    To know the exact time robot is started again I suppose it can be done by using karel, there may be some finction to get the full date and time of the controller, if so you can store it every time thst flag is set.

    If you try this, let me know if it works or if that variable is reset after every powerup.

  • There is an alarm "SRVO-012 Power failure recovery", it comes up after hot start.

    You could check MENU>ALARM>F3 (HIST) or Motion Log. But keep in mind that this alarm can be out flooded with other alarms during production.

    Or you could check LOGBOOK.LS in MD: directory (or make AOA and open with notepad). It would include robot time as well like this.


    Power failure recovery

    25-MAR-23 19:58 :36


    It again can be out flooded by other stuff (for example "ENTER is pressed"), but those can be disabled in $LOGBOOK variable group. There is are a lot, but some could be guest like $LOG_UF means UserFrame. Or check the "Software Reference Manual".

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