Hi everyone,
It turned out that our KUKA Windows OS was corrupted, and we had to restore the image files. Thankfully, I found a very helpful WIKI for configuring KUKA and ROS online. There was just one issue while following their instructions to set up the IP of the KUKA and the Sunrise Workbench 1.13.
I used a separate Windows laptop to configure the Sunrise Workbench via port X66 on the KUKA cabinet, and the KONI port is connected to another ROS PC. However, there seems to be a problem with the connection between the Sunrise Workbench and the KUKA cabinet, which makes the configured IP always highlighted in red during the installation process in the Sunrise Workbench. I wonder if anyone has a similar issue or has any suggestions/insights in case I did anything wrong.
I have set the static IP and subnet for those three PCs:
- The Sunrise Workbench laptop's static IP is, and the subnet mask is
- The KUKA cabinet Windows PC's static IP is, and the subnet mask is
- The Roscore in Ubuntu PC's static IP is, and the subnet mask is
When I pinged the KUKA cabinet IP from the ROS computer, I could receive a sequence of responses. However, the KUKA robot's PC with the default IP always gave a time-out response when I pinged it from my Sunrise Workbench laptop. The IP was also highlighted in red after I clicked "install" in the StationSetup.cat. I'm not sure if this is caused by my IP settings, but I followed the WIKI to set up everything. I also tried to disable the wireless adapter and firewalls on my Sunrise Workbench laptop while synchronizing/installing the packets, but they still couldn't communicate. If anyone has any suggestions or potential solutions, I would really appreciate it!