I'm looking for a way to track progress of the robot on its path.
Staübli has this function implicitly:
Each move performed increment the integer part of a numeric value named MoveID, and the decimal part corresponds to the progression of this movement.
For exemple, a move id of 2.62 means that the current move is the second move, and the robot has performed 62 % of this move.
I am looking for a way to achieve something similar, Is there something similar for fanuc robot or maybe a way to achieve it ?
I managed to get something almost functional with the help of the variable $SCR_GRP[1].$DPOS_DST.
To make it simple,
-For the Integer part ,I increment a variable at each start of move.
-For the decimal part, I save the value of $SCR_GRP[1].$DPOS_DST at each start of move in a variable and then calculate a percentage according to the evolution of the value of $SCR_GRP[1].$DPOS_DST.
This work great for FINE moves but not for CNT moves.
With CNT move, integer part increment way before $SCR_GRP[1].$DPOS_DST reach zero. Also if next move is with a different utool, $SCR_GRP[1].$DPOS_DST is modified according to the tool before it reach zero and that the integer part is incremented
I guess this is normal given the nature of CNT movements, but as a result it seems that I am not able to achieve my goal with this variable.