Good day,
Came across a weird one and hoping someone can point me in the right direction.
We have a TP program calling a KAREL program RUNPROG. I get a report of 'INTP-222 Call program fail' pointing to the line in the TP program that calls RUNPROG. I thought that maybe someone inadvertently deleted RUNPROG but taking a look at the program select screen, it's still there. I then go into the TP program to the line 'CALL RUNPROG', cursor to the program name and scroll through the list of KAREL programs. Surprisingly, RUNPROG was not there. So for some reason, even though I could still see RUNPROG in select screen, the TP program didn't recognize it.
I then deleted RUNPROG and the associated VR file, then loaded RUNPROG.PC from a backup. This fixed the problem and we were able to resume production. In retrospect, I should have looked at a few other things like whether I could see RUNPROG.PC in MD: in the file menu, or if I could see its KAREL vars or positions. However, in the rush of the moment I did not do those things.
I'm at a loss to understand what happened. Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated.