Actually i'm working on a project with a CRB15000, i'm programming it with Robotstudio. The Robot is mounting a camera that is going to read some serial numbers.
From the camera i receive a string similar to "SN1234|123" but it could be different.
I need to cast this string into an array of byte, so i can send it to my PLC via Profinet with SetGO.
For example:
PERS string sendString;
sendString:= "SN1234|123";
SetGO SendByte0, StrgToByte(sendString{1});
SetGO SendByte1, StrgToByte(sendString{2});
But it didn't work
I also tried with SetGO SendByte0, StrToByte(StrPart(sendString, 1, 1)) but it didn't work.
What is the correct way to do it?
Thanks everyone.