Error message when starting RoboDK
Roland Keller -
February 20, 2023 at 5:18 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
Is it possible this 'Mecademic-Meca500-R3.robot' file has been moved or corrupted? Could also be a sync issue if that location is backed up with a cloud service. Could also try running the program as administrator?
I will check it.
I just checked into the hotel.
Take a look and I'll get back to you.
The only thing that helped was uninstalling, installing the previous version and then updating to V5.5.3.
I've just opened RoboDk (v.5.5.3) and downloaded that robot model from the website, saved the project, shutdown the laptop and powered back on and opened the project with no issues.
Maybe corruption happened for you.....
No idea what was going on. The error came suddenly. After a reinstallation, everything runs without errors again.