Hello MOM,
I have checked everything again and I'm pretty confident that I didn't make a mistake. The cause of the difference is actual theta offset i.e. what is considered a variable. For example, when setting up coordinate systems, I have considered that zero positions of all angles corresponds to the same configuration that you considered as: [0, -90, 90, 0, 0, 0].
So when you calculate transformation matrix for [0,-60,90,0,0,0], I need to calculate for [0, +30, 0, 0, 0, 0], because comparing to mine assumed zero configuration, only th2 is changed for +30° because Z axis of joint 2 is oriented "into the screen from us".
So the following code:
% D_H parameters:
A1d = [0, 30, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0];
th = deg2rad(A1d);
a1 = 500; alpha1 = -pi/2; d1 = 1045; th1 = th(1);
a2 = 1300; alpha2 = 0; d2 = 0; th2 = th(2)-pi/2;
a3 = 55; alpha3 = -pi/2; d3 = 0; th3 = th(3)+pi;
a4 = 0; alpha4 = pi/2; d4 = -1025; th4 = th(4);
a5 = 0; alpha5 = -pi/2; d5 = 0; th5 = th(5);
a6 = 0; alpha6 = pi; d6 = -290; th6 = th(6);
T1 = DH_calc(a1,alpha1,d1,th1);
T2 = DH_calc(a2,alpha2,d2,th2);
T3 = DH_calc(a3,alpha3,d3,th3);
T4 = DH_calc(a4,alpha4,d4,th4);
T5 = DH_calc(a5,alpha5,d5,th5);
T6 = DH_calc(a6,alpha6,d6,th6);
T06_dh = T1*T2*T3*T4*T5*T6;
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will produce the following output: