Hi all,
Usually I work with IRC5 or omnicore controllers, but currently I have two old robots with two S4C controllers. Today I tried to start them up.
I am running in the following issues:
1. On one controller the teachpendant doesn't startup. The screen doesn't even change in brightness when I put the power on.
2. I tried the same teachpendant on the other controller, and the teachpendant seems to work. However, it keeps saying:
Welcome to the S4C controller. After every x seconds (~30), it shows an screen that a warm startup is in progress. However, after 20 minuts this is still running.
3. I have two teachpendants, but only one is complete. The other one doesn't have a connector. Is there any drawing that shows me which number/colour of the cable I must insert in which position?
Thanks in advance!