Hello all,
Years ago I made a couple of projects with Stäubli robots, mostly, Notepad++ and FTP to write into the /usr folder.
Yesterday I got a call from a possible customer asking me if I could help in a new robot cell with a Stäubli robot and I called the Stäubli sales person nearby to get a SRS installer.
Installed it (DEMO) and I am trying to add a controller into a new cell, but I can't select any robot there as, when in the cell explorer I right click the cell1 icon and select "add new robot" no robots appear on the next dialog.
Should I have installed something else apart of the SRS itself?
I have executed SETUP.EXE (like usual).
I have not executed INSTALLCS8.EXE, INSTALLCS9.EXE...
Thank you in advance!