Hello everyone !
After aquiring an used 1999 Kawasaki UX150, I looked for informations online and this forum has been my main source of informations. Thank you very much for that !
I picked it up recently, expecting to salvage some parts of it to use on other projects. But first, I plugged it in. To my surprise the controller started and even the tactile screen lit up and worked. With errors of course (I'm willing to bet he didn't move in a few years). After playing around a little and bridging a limit switch wire that was cut, all the errors were cleared and the beast moved ! I manually moved all servos individually and they all worked fine (entirely thanks to the informations and manuals I found on this forum, thanks again). However, a few days ago while proudly showing my new machine to anyone willing to see it, I started to notice the tactile screen seemed to have trouble booting. I played with the luminosity, cable and plug and it worked, until it didn't...
Here are the symptoms:
- Tactile screen entirely black and unresponsive.
- Error light comes on every time after boot, clears up using the button and doesn't come back on until next power up.
- Interbus RDY led blinks green, FAIL led lit up red.
- All of the leds on the 1HP board are on.
- I can still power the motors up using the deadswitches and motor power button. It lights up and can hear them beeing powered up
What I've tried:
- Pushing on the tactile screen with motors unlocked, where the commands used to be. But no response at all (neither movement nor beeping).
- Checking the cable with a multimeter, all pins in the plug appear to connect with the pins on the connector inside the tablet and no pin seems to be shorted with another or ground.
- Removed 1HP board, cleaned with electronics cleaning spray and reinstalled.
- Playing with the cable, plugging and unplugging the tablet, playing with the luminosity. Whispering sweet words, intimidation, bargaining, begging...
Since I can't see the error code now I'm not sure what to do, maybe I can plug in a monitor and a keyboard somewhere but I'm not sure where. And I know just because it looks like a VGA doesn't mean you should plug a VGA in it. I've looked into the manuals but didn't find my answer in the hundreds of pages yet.
Here is a photo of the machine, don't hesitate to ask if you want more pictures or want me to give you more infos !
Thanks in advance and have a nice day !
(Sorry for the mess but I'm moving my equipment to a new and bigger place soon)